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Purchasing excellence

Add momentum to procurement with the right services and solutions

  • Efficient procurement processes

  • Savings with e-sourcing and procurement auctions

  • Analytics for easier decision making

  • Use of AI in everyday procurement

  • Shortening the procurement cycle

  • Empowering the procurement team

  • Increased purchasing flexibility

  • Risk management

  • Sustainable procurement and ESG

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Years of experience

Conducted auctions

Savings in millions of €

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Procurement processes

We can help you optimize the purchasing process. You will increase your efficiency and reduce costs.

Reverse Auctions

Procurement auctions

Upgrade your procurement efficiency with procurement auctions. We perform them for you as a service or set up a system for you.



Take it a step further with our e-sourcing. We introduce innovative, flexible solutions for efficient and competitive procurement.

Procurement Analitics and Artificial Inelligence

Analytics and AI

Refine decision-making with good purchasing analytics and AI. Let us set up the analytical environment for you. And you take a step forward with the power of data.


Procurement application

The procurement application improves the efficiency of the procurement process. It covers key activities from finding the right suppliers to managing suppliers and contracts.

Procurement training


Empower your team to effectively solve procurement challenges with tailor made or internationally recognized procurement training programs.

Purchaser per request

Hire purchaser

When you need additional purchasing power, we help you with purchasing specialists for various purchasing categories. The service can be arranged for a specific time or project.

Category management

Manage categories

Manage procurement categories with the best tools. We help you implement and run the process and use the procurement category tool.

Our satisfied customers

Reference Petrol
Telekom Slovenije reference
Reference Adria Mobil
Reference Collector
Reference Zavarovalnica Triglav
Reference Mercator
Reference Iskra
Reference Slovenian steel industry - SIJ
Reference Ursa
Reference Poultry Ptuj
Reference Paloma
Reference by Panvit
Reference JUB
Reference Trimo
Reference Gorenje Gostinstvo
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